PAINT CANVAS.png__PID:cb622f4d-9c92-446b-9778-7f84e6ab682c
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Basic Fit Jersey

Our basic cut jersey is a 3/4 sleeved, hidden snap jersey with a dress collar. They are made out of a more rigid polyester fabric that allows the jersey to hold a crease like a western shirt. The sleeves are considered a "raglan" sleeve, meaning the sleeve piece comes all the way to the neck of the shirt, to allow for greater movement in the arms. This is a simply-cut jersey, allowing for creative freedom within the design.

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Modern Fit Jersey

Our modern fit jersey is made more complicated than the basic fit. While it still holds the 3/4 sleeve, hidden snaps, and dress collar, it also contains side panels with a lightweight fabric for breathability, a shoulder yoke, a front chest pocket, and piping between the seams. These sleeves are not raglan sleeves, but regular sleeves that are sewn to the shoulder yoke. This jersey looks great in the arena, as it typically looks best with simpler designs and solid colors.

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2 Button Sport Collar 

Our 2 Button Sport Collar has become a new favorite! Made of a flexible but durable material, and still possessing the dress collar; it is the best of both worlds.

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Longsleeve Pullover

Our long sleeve pullover Jersey is made of a lighter weight material than its dress-collared counterparts. With a more athletic appeal, these are cut similar to how you may have seen motorcycle jerseys made. Without having a dress collar, and having long sleeves gives it a more modern appeal. This also is a great option for creativity in design, as patterns and more abstract designs are cleaner looking on the pullover jersey than the rest of our styles.

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Cowboy Collar Jersey

A close brother to our 2 Button Sport Collar, the Cowboy Collar offers the athlete a sharp western style with a new yolk, V-slit bottoms for maximum mobility, and a rounded tapered bottom, giving you the western edge.

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OG Style Bullfighter Shorts

Built with wider, longer legs with bullfighters in mind, our OG shorts style is proven, tested, and tough. Includes dual hip pockets and drawstrings with an elastic waistband. 

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Brawlers Bullfighter Shorts

Made a little longer, with deeper knee relief cuts, these shorts are great for mobility, but work best without bulky knee braces. 

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Perf-Fit Shirt

Meant to be worn under protective equipment, the Perf-Fit shirt is the perfect customizable option for personnel, teams, and individual athletes looking for a unique style and ultimate customization. Our new flyweight material is free flowing and light to wear. Available in 2, 4, or full button options. Pockets optional.